Saturday, June 09, 2007


Just got word that the searchers are setting up a new three way call. I sent them more info to find the CORRECT orphange this time!!
They also sent a team that finds birth parents to our remote region, so they will let me know if they can get an address on the big sister. She might be able to shed some light & have facts on all the girls. Does she have a plan for "B" when she ages out & leaves the orphanage in Sept?
So many unanswered questions!!!
In the meantime, the countdown is now at 4 weeks and counting since we sent the request to adopt both girls. By law they have 30 days to respond. Which will come first???
The CALL or the DECISION?????
stay tuned!


Blogger Esther said...

When does the 15 year old turn 16?

8:02 AM  
Blogger Esther said...

Oooops, sorry, you wrote she turns 16 in September......

8:02 AM  
Blogger Esther said...

On Russian coorespondance...

I've had over a dozen pieces of Russian correspondance from the Russian authorities this last year. They do respond within the mandatory 30 days. However, the mail system can takes about two months to deliver the piece of mail. Yuck.

Typically we've noticed this is the standard length of time to coorespond by snail mail. A small bit of our coorespondance has been by email. I would prefer it all to be by email, since that is so fast. However, for decisions and matters of importance, I imagine the Russian authorities like to write a letter of decision and have a paper trail. So we've received much in the snail mail department. And it's taken months each time, as I've always checked the postmark and date on letters.

8:07 AM  
Blogger votemom said...

glad you are updating regularly. hang in my friend.

11:15 AM  
Blogger mommyto5 said...

Prayers you get to talk to the girls soon!

8:30 AM  

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