Thursday, June 28, 2007


We got the email from the MOE late yesterday.


In other words, they have decided that we cant adopt the sisters
(as they have another sister outside the orphanage they are close to )

but they have also closed the door on any contact. Apparently the girls do not know they have a sister and they want to keep it that way.

I do not know what to say...


Blogger The McCollum Adoption said...

I am so sorry to read this Rainy, you have done everything you could.


5:47 AM  
Blogger Esther said...

That is violating their own rules about not separating siblings!! I say, Sue them on behalf of Summer!

6:28 PM  
Blogger Esther said...

I'm sorry Rain. Bless you and your family. Thank you so very much for keeping Summer a part of my life. I'll never forget seeing her with my own eyes and rubbing her face and head when she looked so sad at the orphanage. She wanted to come home. I'm so glad I was able to hold her for a moment, to give her comfort while she waited for you.

I have tears in my eyes, as I'm so sorry about her sisters.

Peace to you sweet sweet dear Rainy.
Hugs, Esther

7:52 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm so sad to read this news. I know it is not what you wanted at all. You have such a big heart to even think about taking on such a monumental journey though, and when Summer asks questions as an older child or young adult, you will be able to say you did everything you could.

The MOE can keep you from contacting the children in the orphanage, but they can't keep you from contacting the sibling who isn't. Maybe one of the "family finders" can help you make contact with that sister later after you've had some time to adjust to this sad news.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Esther said...

Hey, I sent you a comment earlier. Maybe it didn't come thru?

I'm so sorry you can't adopt the girls ;o( There are no words to express how disappointing and unfair this is.

Peace to you dear sweet Rainy and family. Hugs, Esther

7:25 AM  
Blogger Esther said...

Hope you realize there are TWO "Esthers" posting here ;o)

I'm not the Esther posting from TX.

Hugs to you Rain
From Esther that met your Summer ;o)

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rainy - I am so sorry - I jusr rediscovered your blog to read this news - I can't believe they won't allow contact. That's just awful.
hugs and prayers

8:45 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Oh, my...I cannot imagine how you feel right now, but I know it's not good. Know that your friends are always with you, no matter where we are and if there is such a thing as a virtual hug, there are millions of the little buggers flowing your way.

Please at least try to smile about the fact that you tried. In that alone, you have done those girls proud--there are few who would go to the lengths you and Todd have gone. Perhaps someday you'll still be able to put Summer in touch with her sisters.

Much love to you!


11:17 AM  

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